Did the soul of Jesus have prior lives on Earth before his birth in Bethlehem? If so, do records exist that describe and document his previous incarnations? What relevance do these previous lives have for humanity's past, present, and future?
The book Edgar Cayce’s Past Lives of Jesus delves into these questions (plus many more) and is the topic of this thought-provoking episode. Kathleen and Andrea discuss the intriguing possibility of Jesus' past lives and what these revelations could signal for humankind.
Book by Glenn Sanderfur:
Edgar Cayce's Past Lives of Jesus: https://amzn.to/45Wh6Fl
Association for Research and Enlightenment:
Edgar Cayce's A.R.E.: https://www.edgarcayce.org/
💕 Let’s Connect
Link to all things BTRG! https://pod1.co/btrgpodcast
Andrea Kennedy https://zaap.bio/andreakennedy
Kathleen's Website: universoulheart.net
☕️ Donations accepted with gratitude: https://ko-fi.com/beyondthereikigateway
Kathleen's Amazon Storefront - "Nurture Your Spirit, Refresh Your Mind, Relax Your Body"
Andrea's Amazon Shop - Inspired by the Podcast + Tools, Decor, Music, and More
Kathleen and Andrea may earn money through Amazon for qualifying purchases.
Beyond the Reiki Gateway produced by Twisted Spur Media http://twistedspurmedia.com/
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program do not necessarily reflect those of the podcast or anyone affiliated with its production or advertising. This program is presented for entertainment purposes only. The utilization of the information provided is at the listener’s own discretion.
Originally aired December 22, 2021, and on YouTube June 28, 2023 Music intro/outro: (First Light) by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed by Enlightened Audio to Mainstream Reiki LLC.