Kathleen and Andrea are back with an all-new Q and A discussion! This time, they take on some really interesting questions submitted by listeners. Fearless as always, they address the topics with their typical humor, compassion, and real-world approach.

Listen as they dive deep into questions such as:
🔷 Is it appropriate for Reiki practitioners to share intuitively received information with their clients?
🔷 Have you ever been frightened in a Reiki session?
🔷 Is it possible to work with the Angels? How can we do that?
🔷 Have you ever had a deceased person come into a Reiki session?
🔷 Can Reiki be sent to those in Spirit?

Interesting questions, indeed! Join Kathleen and Andrea as they thoughtfully answer these questions while sharing their experiences and knowledge.

Want to know more about Kathleen & Andrea?
Connect here for all things BTRG! https://pod1.co/btrgpodcast
Kathleen's Links: https://campsite.bio/kathleenrmt
Andrea's Links: zaap.bio/andreakennedy

Andrea’s YouTube videos:
How to Get MORE Intuitive Info During Reiki

What is Intuitive Reiki? My 3 Rules

Kathleen’s Article:
Archangel Michael in the Reiki Session

Kathleen's Amazon Storefront - "Nurture Your Spirit, Refresh Your Mind, Relax Your Body"

Andrea's Amazon Shop - Inspired by the Podcast + Tools, Decor, Music and More

Kathleen and Andrea may earn money through Amazon for qualifying purchases.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program do not necessarily reflect those of the podcast or anyone affiliated with its production or advertising. This program is presented for entertainment purposes only. The utilization of the information provided is at the listener’s own discretion.

Beyond the Reiki Gateway produced by Twisted Spur Media www.twistedspurmedia.com