Are you a BTRG insider yet? We have a program for our biggest fans!

S1 Ep7 - Social Media: From Energy Drain to Energy Gain

Social media's original purpose - as a tool to bring us together - has been largely lost in our current reality. Instead, it often feels like a trap designed to drive us apart. This downside of social media can drain our energies and erode our self-worth. This is even more true for people who identify as intuitive, highly sensitive, and empathic.

Kathleen and Andrea take on the *trap* of social media in this episode as they share their personal experiences, and discuss timely tips to help you utilize social media as the tool it was intended to be.

Listen as they explain:
The importance of balance and awareness when using social media
Learning to set clear boundaries
Choosing your engagements wisely
Suggestions for successfully managing social media for a business
Spreading more Light on social media platforms
Remembering the original purpose of social media as a tool to bring us together helps us use it as an energy gain instead of an energy drain. Now, isn't that better?

📝 Andrea's Article:
Social Media Survival Guide: 5 Guidelines for Empaths and Spiritual People -

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🛍️ Kathleen's Amazon Storefront - "Nurture Your Spirit, Refresh Your Mind, Relax Your Body" -

🛍️ Andrea's Amazon Shop - Inspired by the Podcast + Tools, Decor, Music and More -

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program, do not necessarily reflect those of the podcast or anyone affiliated with its production or advertising. This program is presented for entertainment purposes only. The utilization of the information provided is at the listener’s own discretion.

Originally aired March 31, 2021 and on YouTube November 2, 2022 Music intro/outro: (First Light) by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed by Enlightened Audio to Mainstream Reiki LLC.