Are you a BTRG insider yet? We have a program for our biggest fans!

S1 Ep15 - Are you Awakening

What exactly is a spiritual awakening? How do you know if (or when) you’re having one? What are some of the signs and symptoms? What is "ascension" and are they the same things? If you are on a path of spiritual growth, you have likely asked yourself these questions, and probably many more!

Spiritual awakening is a huge topic, and in this episode, Kathleen and Andrea present a grounded approach to a not-so-grounded concept. They offer a perspective that helps to bring the topic of spiritual awakening down to Earth and into everyday reality, giving the listeners a sense of what it is all about, as well as a frame of reference for their personal experiences.

Join Kathleen and Andrea as they discuss their moments of spiritual awakening and their journeys thus far. They also share some memorable experiences, for themselves and for the clients with whom they work, as they distill the concept of spiritual awakening into our everyday reality.

📚 Andrea's Book Recommendation: Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue -

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program, do not necessarily reflect those of the podcast or anyone affiliated with its production or advertising. This program is presented for entertainment purposes only. The utilization of the information provided is at the listener’s own discretion.

Originally aired July 15, 2021 and on YouTube February 22, 2023 Music intro/outro: (First Light) by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed by Enlightened Audio to Mainstream Reiki LLC.